Monday, 7 July 2008

Food is king!


Walking around in Copenhagen

Not everything is square in Copenhagen.

Next morning in the hotel room

Steinar relaxing in the 5th floor window.

It's all ready for me

Just had my shower and my bed is waiting for me. Happy times, all over

What a feeling

Helge in heaven!!!

On the train

Egil and Steinar. We got some great seats on the train. Thank god we
didn't have to stand up the entire trip :)

In line for the train to Copenhagen

Egil, and lots of other wet hopefuls, waiting for the train. It only
rained the last 3-4 houes of the festival.


Slayer at the Orange stage. Pretty good consert!

Neil Young

Neil Young at the Orange stage. Great consert. That man really know
how to rock hard.

Judas Priest

Judas Priest at Orange stage. Man, they're getting old(er) ;)

Grindeman lightshow

Cool picture :)

Steinar at Grinderman consert.

Egil at Grinderman consert.


Nick Cave's Grinderman at the Orange stage.

Yoyo Oyoy

Yoyo Oyoy at Astoria stage. Pretty cool stuff.

Radiohead at Orange stage

Radiohead playing. Great consert!


Eager peopel waiting for Radiohead.


Arrived 2 hours before the Radiohead concert. Got our place, and had
some beer and dinner before it all started.

Orange stage

People getting ready for Radiohead at the Orange stage.

MGMT at Odeon.

Didn't do it for me, really.

Clutch at Odeon

Opening consert. Clutch. Ok, but same shit over and over...

Guitar buddies

Thomas and Egil trying out their new gear :)


Had some frequent visitors from Karmøy in our camp.

Music program

Egil trying to schedule his conserts the next 5-6 days.

Press Play on Tape

Press Play on Tape in consert at the pavilion tent. Good old rocked up
Commodore 64 music. En høydare ;) My first consert at Roskilde, and my
personal highlight!

Lining up...

Early stages, but people is already walking in line. Shot from the
market place betwen camp C and E. Over the bridge - and far away - is
the festival area.

Camp decorations

Kjetil is supplying some camp decorations. Lovely star :)

Emma from Skåneland

One of our next door neighbours...

Swedish party games.

Kjetil judging the sweedish neighbours Twister session.

Happy times!

Egil having one of his many Captain Morgans moments ;) Happy times!

Lasagne de la festival

Festival food - works every time :)

It's all over

What can I say, roaming edge prices overseas sux big time. Live
blogging is best in your own country, or somewhere with free internet
connection - like in the hotel window in Copenhagen, 5 floors above a
free wireless hotspot :)
Left Roskilde by train last night. Fantastic feeling getting a proper
shower and a proper bed.
One more night at the hotel, and straight home for little rest and
back out on the road. Norwegian Rock Festival in Kvinesdal next ;)

Monday, 30 June 2008


Kyla nerpå ;)

Roskilde superheroes.

Barely had time for some sleep last night. Back on the Vodka and Juice
now... More updates later... Maybe ;)

Sunday, 29 June 2008

Tent is done.

Helge is testing our new appartement for the next week. Nae to bad.

The Dragon Camp...

... Is looking better and better all the time. Just need to get into
town and pick up a couple of tables tomorrow. Todays concert: Press
Play on Tape.

The next day.

My brother is having a somewhat bad next day. That's what happens when
you sleep in a toilet all night ;)


Didn't have to run to secure a good camp spot.


03:15 started queing. 2,5 hours later we were in. All the inner gares
were kicked down, so we arrived at the camp site well before 08:00 -
the official opening time.

Saturday, 28 June 2008


Found a new one in Roskilde. No dogs allowed inside, but smoke your
hearts out ;) Basically filled with old sailors. I'll fit right in :)

Does this work???

Just checking if blogspot supports video... If so, enjoy some Hare
Krishna everyone... ;)

Change of scenery.

After a wee walk and some pressure relief, we ended up at The Scottish
Pub. Brown as few, but some lovely chesterfield furniture... Still
some time to go before we have to be at Roskilde. Party on
Copenhagen... Btw: Am I right thinking Egil is "getting it on"?? ;)

At the pub...

Enjoying a beer (and 5-6 vodkas) at The Dubliners in Copenhagen.
Lorissa, the waitress, is dead cute and outside some break dancers and
the Hare Krishna is fighting for everyones attention... And don't get
me started on those damn beer flies everywhere... Time to move on...
Just waiting for Egil to finish his beer... He's soooo slow, drinking
beer and pissing every now and again ;-)

The Car.

Behold, the new hired car has arrived. Looks like it has survived
(barely) a few festivals earlier. Egil gives it a once over. More than
good enough ;)

Arriving Copenhagen.

Sat outside the airport waiting for our "drivers" to pick up the car.
Early morning still and about time to open the Turkish Pepper bottle.
On our way to do some major shopping. Need something to live in the
next 11 days...

Friday, 27 June 2008

Not really Roskilde related.

But since Vlad was so eager to pose in my new Roskilde gear, I had to
put it on the blog. Somehow he was complaining about the fact that his
head was to tiny compared to his arms. Oh, well...

Time to get ready... Soon.

Just about time to get ready for Roskilde 2008. Was supposed to get a haircut and buy some shorts an shirts today, but the weather is too good too do anything but relaxing in the sun. I guess it can be done somewhere in Denmark anyway. About 14 hours until take off now. Some washing and some packing, and off we go. Gonna be great ;-) See you on the other side...